Alternative Curriculum » Alternate Curriculum

Alternate Curriculum

The alternate curriculum is designed for students with moderate to severe disabilties who are not able to access the core general education curriculum without significant modifications.

Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams make the determination for a student to participate on alternative curriculum. However, students who participate on an alternate curriculum:


  • Demonstrate cognitive functioning and adaptive behavior in the home, school, and community environments at a level significantly below that of their typically developing peers, even with program modifications, adaptations, and accommodations. 
  • Require extensive direct instruction and/or extensive support in multiple settings to acquire, maintain, and generalize academic and functional skills necessary for application in school, work, home, and community environments.
  • May require dependence on others for many/all daily living needs,and is expected to require extensive ongoing support in adulthood.
  • Benefit from a social, life, and vocationally based instructional program.